Every year many forego visiting the dentist and choose to live with pain and discomfort due to fear and the feeling of anxiety. Is this you?

We are here to guide you through the treatment and help overcome the fear and anxiousness. Ask us how?

Everyone experiences fear at some point in their lives. There are some fears for which avoidance is a perfectly reasonable reaction. But there are certain fears for which avoidance can lead to a decrease in quality of life, or even worse, can endanger your health.

Sedation dentistry provides a path free from fear

Our dentists are specially trained to administer sedation — for the purpose to relax the patients, creating a calm and comfortable dental experience. Utilizing commonly prescribed sedation medications, which have been subjected to rigorous study to meet professional standards. The sedation medication is administered orally, leaving you fully alert with the capacity to respond to questions, while being relaxed and unaware of the sights, smells and sounds of the dental office.

Oral Sedation - What you need to know

1What is a sedative?

Sedative medication helps relax patients by slowing the action of the central nervous system. People remain aware of their surroundings, but are less responsive to external stimuli like the sound of the drill or the smell of materials.

The list of sedatives to help lessen pain and dental anxiety is continuously growing. Some are more potent than other, just as some last longer, therefore not one sedative it right for every patient.

We will assess the safest sedation medication based on a number of factors.

2How are sedatives administered?

At 57 North, patients requiring sedation will receive the medication orally.

3What is the first step?

Booking an initial consultation is highly recommended.

We will gather information regarding your health and discuss the treatment options after an assessment of your mouth is done.

You should not feel judged or embarrassed to ask you doctor any questions or express concern at any time during you consultation. Knowledge about the entire process is a key to a successful treatment plan.

4What will recovery be like?

Commonly patients do not experience discomfort or side effects after a procedure requirement sedation.

Your dentist will provide you with details specific to your treatment and recommend an after-care protocol